Monday, July 20, 2015

Picoctf 2014 Snapcat :)


We were given a corrupted disk image.  We were supposed to get information off of it.  I looked at the disk image using a hex editor, and noticed that it had pictures on it.  I saw jpeg headers.  So, I used a program called Foremost on my SIFT VM to carve the images out of the disk.img file.

$ foremost -t jpg –o ~/Desktop –c etc/foremost.conf disk.img

-t: specifies what type of file that I want to be carved out.
-o: specifies the directory where I want the output file
-c: specifies where the foremost config file is
disk.img is the name of the img that I was carving files out of.

One of the pictures that was output had this flag.


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