Thursday, January 5, 2017

SANS Holiday Hack 2016-Audio File Puzzle

Audio File Puzzle



Operating System:

Windows 10

Each file was opened in Audacity.  The tempo was adjusted until the word or phrase could properly be heard.  

Select the Effect option on the menu at the top of the screen.  Select the Change Tempo option.  Manipulate the audio file by either, putting a number in one of the fields, or sliding the slide bar.  One can preview the sound by pressing the preview button.  If one clicks the OK button, they can still change it back by pressing the Edit option on the menu at the top of the screen and clicking undo.

Then the pitch was adjusted.  

Select the Effect option on the menu at the top of the screen.  Select the Change Pitch option.  This one is a little more complicated.  Adjust the pitch by changing the number in the elevator button, changing the key, changing the number in the text box, and sliding the slide bar.  The best way to learn is trial and error.  Again, one can preview the sound by pressing the preview button.  If one clicks the OK button, they can still change it back by pressing the Edit option on the menu at the top of the screen and clicking undo.

The speed was not manipulated because if one speed up the track, even a little bit, the pitch was a lot different.  It had a Chipmunk kind of sound.  It seemed easier to adjust the speed and pitch separately.

Then the files were combined.  Open the first file.  Then open the 2nd file.  In the 2nd file, click the Edit option on the menu at the top of the screen, select the Select option, then Select All from the drop down menu that appears. Copy the 2nd file using the little icon that looks like two papers.  Close the 2nd file.  Click back on the 1st screen.  Go the the end of the first audio, click the end to move the marker to the end, make sure that nothing is selected, then click the little icon that looks like a clipboard and a paper.  Repeat for the remaining audio files, opening each one up, copying them, closing them, and pasting them to the end of the 1st audio file screen in Audacity.  Make sure that they are in order 1>2>3>4>5>6>7.

The writer did not have much luck.  Unfortunately, the first and second audio files were tough to change.  Too slow or fast, and the phrase couldn’t be heard.  The first couple of audio files sound odd.  However, the last five sound ok.  They were manipulated enough to solve the puzzle.

Catching the Villain:

The player should log into the game at, go to the door without a terminal in The Corridor room, and type the entire phrase and punctuation, “Father Christmas, Santa Claus, or as I’ve always known him, Jeff.” into the password prompt.  The door opens.  There is a long ladder that leads up to a clock tower.  Who is standing there?  Dr. Who, of course.  He apparently didn’t like the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special. XD

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