Monday, June 22, 2015

Picoctf 2014 Format String

I just completed the format string problem.  I took a semester of C a long time ago, but I remembered enough to know what was going on in the program that I was given to exploit.  I used gdb -q ./format, then p &secret to find the location of the variable of secret in memory.  Then I ran the program:

./format $(python -c 'print "%x.%x.%x"').

%x prints addresses in the stack.  I put a dot between them so that I could see where each ended. I kept adding a %x. until I found the address that I needed.  I found out that the 7th address was the address that I needed.  It was 0x0804a030.  The hint said that %n would be useful.  I tried it, but I just couldn't get it to work correctly.  Then I found some nice articles that helped to explain format string vulnerabilities fairly well.  They were:, and  So then I ran the program with ./format $(python -c 'print "%1337x%7$n"').  The %1337x pads an unsigned hexidecimal integer with 1337 spaces.  The %7$n specifies that I want the 7th address location, and n means that I want to write the number of bytes written so far to that place in memory.  I got shell.  Then I typed "cat flag.txt" and got the flag which was who_thought_%n_was_a_good_idea?

1 comment:

  1. Very awesome!

    This is probably the best beginner write up on this problem out there. The other ones just assume you know certain things.
