Friday, October 28, 2016

SANS Cyber Defense Challenge-Day 5 Solution

These weren't so bad.  The only one that I missed was the last one, and that was only because I was over-thinking it.  I was shifting it around in the browser and text editor, but I didn't realize that that is what I was supposed to do.  I thought that maybe I had to decode it.  This was the steganography one-a meaning hidden in just the way that the numbers were aligned.  A shift-cipher.  Disappointed in myself.  I tried.  I was the only SEC 401 Student that I know of that was in the top 10, so that's something.  I won a Raspberry Pi CanaKit.  The top ten got prizes.

What's the secret word for SANS San Diego 2016 day 5?

The first challenge - (5 its)
Simple base64 encoding.  Just decode it.  You see enough of them, and you know what to do.

The first challenge is: VGhlIGFuc3dlciB0byB0aGUgZmlyc3QgY2hhbGxlbmdlIGlzOiBtYXRocw==

What is the answer to the first challenge? The answer is a lower case string.

The second challenge - (20 pts)
The 2nd challenge is: V2toIGRxdnpodSB3ciB3a2x2IGZrZG9vaHFqaCBsdjogdnhwcGR3bHJxIA==

So base64 decode again.  The it is a rot encoding.  You have figure out how many rotations.  There are online tools for this to crack them quickly.  Again, you see enough, your brain starts to recognize them.  The rotation was 23 for this one: summation

What is the answer to the second challenge? The answer is a lower case string.


What is the answer to the third challenge? The answer is a lower case string.

This one was fun.  First you hex decode it.  Then you get base64 string that you decode.  The answer is backwards.  ipyrrebpsar :si egnellahc driht eht ot rewsna ehT  It's raspberrypi.  :)

Spot the Pattern - (35 pts)
Download and inspect this file:

What is the day 5 phrase that pays? The answer is a lower case string.

Only question that I didn't get.  We were told how it was solved, though.  You look at the file in your browser or text editor and resize the screen until the lines are lined up a certain way.  In the white space, you see a website.  Alternately, I saw Mr. Conrad do something the command line.  I didn't catch all of it, but it showed the website in # signs.  The phrase was blueteamforever.

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