This challenge Terminal is located near Fitzy Shortstack in The Front Yard (Act 3).
Here are the challenge hints all given by Fitzy Shortstack in the badge hints:
Elf Stack Intro
I'm part of the ElfSOC that protects the interests here at the North Pole. We built the Elf Stack SIEM, but not everybody uses it. Some of our senior analysts choose to use their command line skills, while others choose to deploy their own solution. Any way is possible to hunt through our logs!
Elf Stack Fields
If you are using your command line skills to solve the challenge, you might need to review the configuration files from the containerized Elf Stack SIEM.
Elf Stack Powershell
Our Elf Stack SIEM has some minor issues when parsing log data that we still need to figure out. Our ElfSOC SIEM engineers drank many cups of hot chocolate figuring out the right parsing logic. The engineers wanted to ensure that our junior analysts had a solid platform to hunt through log data.
Elf Stack WinEvent
One of our seasoned ElfSOC analysts told me about a great resource to have handy when hunting through event log data. I have it around here somewhere, or maybe it was online. Hmm.
Open the ElfStack Terminal.
Download the file from the Download link at the bottom right.
There are a couple ways this can be done. Old school use Linux/Windows command line commands to solve this one like grep, cut, sort, etc.
The other way: there's a docker container so that ELK can be utilized to solve the challenge.
I said why not both. Some questions are easier to answer in the command line, others are easier in ELK.
I did have a little trouble installing ELK. I had to unzip the elf-stack-siem, and went into the elasticsearch folder, also in the config folder, and then went into elasticsearch.yml and switch true to false for it to load properly. I was using an Ubuntu 22.04 VM.
Once I fixed that:
cd elf-stack-siem
docker-compose up
Wait about 30 minutes or so. In the Terminal, choose the Easy mode.
Question 1: How many unique values are there for the event_source field in all logs?
Question 2: Which event_source has the fewest number of events related to it?
Question 3: Using the event_source from the previous question as a filter, what is the field name that contains the name of the system the log event originated from?
Question 4: Which event_source has the second highest number of events related to it?
Question 5: Using the event_source from the previous question as a filter, what is the name of the field that defines the destination port of the Netflow logs?
Question 6: Which event_source is related to email traffic?
Question 7: Looking at the event source from the last question, what is the name of the field that contains the actual email text?
Question 8: Using the 'GreenCoat' event_source, what is the only value in the hostname field?
Question 9: Using the 'GreenCoat' event_source, what is the name of the field that contains the site visited by a client in the network?
Question 10: Using the 'GreenCoat' event_source, which unique URL and port (URL:port) did clients in the TinselStream network visit most?
Question 11: Using the 'WindowsEvent' event_source, how many unique Channels is the SIEM receiving Windows event logs from?
Question 12: What is the name of the event.Channel (or Channel) with the second highest number of events?
Question 13: Our environment is using Sysmon to track many different events on Windows systems. What is the Sysmon Event ID related to loading of a driver?
Question 14: What is the Windows event ID that is recorded when a new service is installed on a system?
Question 15: Using the WindowsEvent event_source as your initial filter, how many user accounts were created?
0 - There are no 4720 events
In the Terminal, choose the Hard mode.
Question 1: What is the event.EventID number for Sysmon event logs relating to process creation?
Question 2: How many unique values are there for the 'event_source' field in all of the logs?
Question 3: What is the event_source name that contains the email logs?
Question 4: The North Pole network was compromised recently through a sophisticated phishing attack sent to one of our elves. The attacker found a way to bypass the middleware that prevented phishing emails from getting to North Pole elves. As a result, one of the Received IPs will likely be different from what most email logs contain. Find the email log in question and submit the value in the event 'From:' field for this email log event.
kriskring1e@northpole.local - - hollyhaven.snowflake
Question 5: Our ElfSOC analysts need your help identifying the hostname of the domain computer that established a connection to the attacker after receiving the phishing email from the previous question. You can take a look at our GreenCoat proxy logs as an event source. Since it is a domain computer, we only need the hostname, not the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the system.
Question 6: What was the IP address of the system you found in the previous question?
Question 7: A process was launched when the user executed the program AFTER they downloaded it. What was that Process ID number (digits only please)?
10014 - sysmon event id 1
09:36:38 Sep 15, 2024- "C:\Users\elf_user02\Downloads\howtosavexmas\howtosavexmas.pdf.exe"
Question 8: Did the attacker's payload make an outbound network connection? Our ElfSOC analysts need your help identifying the destination TCP port of this connection.
8443 - sysmon event id 3
Question 9: The attacker escalated their privileges to the SYSTEM account by creating an inter-process communication (IPC) channel. Submit the alpha-numeric name for the IPC channel used by the attacker.
09:38:34 - process launch 4336 or 10014 - parent process 8096
Question 10: The attacker's process attempted to access a file. Submit the full and complete file path accessed by the attacker's process.
C:\Users\elf_user02\Desktop\kkringl315@ - event 4663
Question 11: The attacker attempted to use a secure protocol to connect to a remote system. What is the hostname of the target server?
Question 12: The attacker created an account to establish their persistence on the Linux host. What is the name of the new account created by the attacker?
Question 13: The attacker wanted to maintain persistence on the Linux host they gained access to and executed multiple binaries to achieve their goal. What was the full CLI syntax of the binary the attacker executed after they created the new user account?
/usr/sbin/usermod -a -G sudo ssdh
Question 14: The attacker enumerated Active Directory using a well known tool to map our Active Directory domain over LDAP. Submit the full ISO8601 compliant timestamp when the first request of the data collection attack sequence was initially recorded against the domain controller.
2024-09-16T11:10:12-04:00 event ID 2889
Question 15: The attacker attempted to perform an ADCS ESC1 attack, but certificate services denied their certificate request. Submit the name of the software responsible for preventing this initial attack.
You can detect an ADCS attack by monitoring for Kerberos EventID 4768 with ‘PreAuthType’ == ’16’ (TGT based on user certificate) and ‘TicketOptions’ startswith ‘0x4080’ (hardcoded value in multiple attacker tools).
KringleGuard - 4888
Question 16: We think the attacker successfully performed an ADCS ESC1 attack. Can you find the name of the user they successfully requested a certificate on behalf of?
Question 17: One of our file shares was accessed by the attacker using the elevated user account (from the ADCS attack). Submit the folder name of the share they accessed.
Question 18: The naughty attacker continued to use their privileged account to execute a PowerShell script to gain domain administrative privileges. What is the password for the account the attacker used in their attack payload?
Question 19: The attacker then used remote desktop to remotely access one of our domain computers. What is the full ISO8601 compliant UTC EventTime when they established this connection?
2024-09-16T15:35:57.000Z 4624 type 10
Question 20: The attacker is trying to create their own naughty and nice list! What is the full file path they created using their remote desktop connection?
C:\WishLists\santadms_only\its_my_fakelst.txt event id 1 dc01
Question 21: The Wombley faction has user accounts in our environment. How many unique Wombley faction users sent an email message within the domain?
4 - just noticed that the wombley faction started with wcub and started to create a search for event.To: wcub and it only showed 4
Question 22: The Alabaster faction also has some user accounts in our environment. How many emails were sent by the Alabaster users to the Wombley faction users?
22 - (event.From :"asnowball04@northpole.local" or event.From:"asnowball08@northpole.local" or event.From:"asnowball09@northpole.local" or event.From:"asnowball_05@northpole.local") and (event.To : "wcub101@northpole.local" or event.To:"wcub303@northpole.local" or event.To:"wcub808@northpole.local" or event.To:"wcube311@northpole.local")
Question 23: Of all the reindeer, there are only nine. What's the full domain for the one whose nose does glow and shine? To help you narrow your search, search the events in the 'SnowGlowMailPxy' event source.
Question 24: With a fiery tail seen once in great years, what's the domain for the reindeer who flies without fears? To help you narrow your search, search the events in the 'SnowGlowMailPxy' event source.